
Oven-baked cardondelli mushrooms

Baked mushrooms au gratin with garlic and parsley are a delicious typically autumn side dish, when mushrooms are the real rulers of our tables.

It is a very simple side dish to prepare: the mushrooms are seasoned with a few ingredients and cooking in the oven will amalgamate and enhance all the flavors!

For this recipe I used cardoncelli mushrooms, a precious variety very common in Puglia in the autumn period, but you can also prepare this recipe with other varieties of mushrooms, such as pleurotus or champignons.

Furthermore, cardoncelli mushrooms are also among the most prized varieties, so, in addition to being a side dish, they can also be a light and tasty appetizer on holidays: for sure your guests will appreciate!

As I said, preparing them is really simple, you can, indeed you have to season them in advance to make the mushroom flavor and then bake them at the last moment, so you can eat them hot and steaming and you can appreciate all their goodness!

Well, let’s move on to the recipe immediately and see how the mushrooms au gratin in the oven with garlic and parsley are prepared! You can find many other recipes with mushrooms in my collection of  Recipes with quick and easy mushrooms,  while if you are looking for other tasty side dishes with vegetables, do not miss my collection of  10 side dishes with vegetables ready in a short time.

  • Preparation:10 minutes
  • Cooking:15-20 minutes
  • Difficulty:Very easy
  • Portions:4-5 PEOPLE
  • Cost:Medium


  • 800-1000 g Mushrooms (cardoncelli, pleurotus, champignon or other variety)
  • 2-3 cloves Garlic
  • 1 sprig Parsley
  • qb Extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons grated pecorino romano (lactose intolerant can omit it if they do not tolerate it)
  • to taste Breadcrumbs
  • to taste salt, pepper


  • Preparing baked mushrooms au gratin with garlic and parsley is very simple. Let’s see the procedure together.
  • Clean and wash the mushrooms well, eliminating any damaged parts and, obviously, all the soil on the stem and in the lower part of the cap, between the gills.Quickly pass them under running water and place them on a dry cloth for a few minutes.
  • Take an ovenproof dish, lightly grease the bottom and arrange the mushrooms “upside down”, with the stem facing the other.
  • Finely chop both the parsley and the garlic. To prevent the garlic from being indigestible, before chopping it, cut it in two and remove the central core (which is what makes it indigestible).
  • At this point you have two alternatives: you can prepare a mixture with breadcrumbs, cheese, salt, pepper, garlic and chopped parsley, which you will then sprinkle on the mushrooms, or, as I preferred to do, sprinkle the mushrooms with the individual ingredients. In this case, sprinkle the mushrooms with salt and pepper, then put a little garlic and parsley on each mushroom and, finally, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and a little grated cheese, which will enhance the flavor of the mushrooms even more. .
  • Once this operation is finished, add a little oil and let the mushrooms rest for an hour: in this way the mushrooms will acquire much more flavor.

Turn on the oven at 200 ° and, when it is hot, bake the mushrooms for about 20 minutes or at least until they are golden on the surface. In any case, adjust according to your tastes: if you want them well cooked and less meaty, continue cooking.

Well, your garlic and parsley baked mushrooms au gratin are ready to be enjoyed in all their unsurpassed goodness!